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Forward Until Release
Forward Until Release
![](../../../../Resources/Images/Robotics/Robo CU/2_1-3_try_fwdUntilReleaseProgram.png)
Set the compare-to value on the waitUntil command to 0, and place a box against the sensor. Then try it out.
For Virtual Robots, choose Point B as the starting point.
Virtual Robot: FwdUntilReleaseVR.rbg
Physical Robot: FwdUntilRelease.rbg
Quick Tips
When setting up the robot, have the obstacle place firmly against the Touch Sensor so that it keeps it pressed in, as shown below.
![](../../../../Resources/Images/Robotics/Robo 4/Touch Sensor/try_3-3forwardUntil.png)
What happens?
The waitUntil control block can wait for the sensor to be released as well as pressed. The robot moves forward until the Touch Sensor is released, then stops.